This wonderful career opens doors at every turn, and often those doors are held wide by successful authors who have become friends. The ultimate honor is to have a character named after you, whether good or bad, sane or crazy, tall or short, they’re all gifts bestowed by writers who could just as easily made up a name, or used another. Recently, four authors used my name in various spellings and forms, in their excellent works. I can think of no better way to say thank you, than to post the covers of their novels, and link you to their websites. Thank you so much to C.J. Box (Revis Wentworth in Endangered), Marc Cameron (the town of Reavis, Texas and Reavis High School in Field of Fire), Tim Dorsey (Reevis X in Shark Skin Suite) and of course to my good friend and mentor, John Gilstrap (the mysterious cowboy known only as Wortham in End Game). You guys are great! | Buy book on Amazon | Buy book on Amazon